This is the Steak Gumbo found at Royal St. Veranda in New Orleans Square.
We got caught in a "We're tired and hungry and don't feel like walking" scenario and this was right in front of us. I had wanted to try the Steak Gumbo, which had been recommended to me, but once I saw the price it somehow soured me on the idea. But I was tired and hungry and didn't feel like walking and it was right in front of me. And I was sick. (This was the trip with my husband when we didn't even set foot into DCA during our 3-day stay, because I was sick.) So something along the lines of soup was a must. In all fairness, the Steak Gumbo was good. Just not $9.29 good. Plus it might have been different if I was a bread person. Which I'm not. Especially not sourdough bread. So I basically paid $10 for a few bites of soup. And apparently I'm still kicking myself over that poor decision.
November 2011